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Paediatric Neurological Rehabilitation

TheraSuit Method

Intensive Therapy

Intensive therapy is the new standard therapy for neurological disorders with increasing amounts of research emerging in favour of this model.

childrens occupational therapy

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy looks at how a person, their environment or their daily activities can be modified to help the nervous system function more effectively.

Exercise Physiology Optimized

Exercise Physiology

An Exercise Physiologist is an Allied Health Professional specialising in exercise prescription and rehabilitation for the development of skilled motor performance.​​

Cms57 Optimized


The goal of paediatric physiotherapy is to promote optimal physical development, improve motor skills, enhance functional abilities, and enable children to participate and thrive in life.

Every Child Deserves an Opportunity to be Supported

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"Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much"

                             – Helen Keller

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