

What is ‘midline’ and why is ‘crossing the midline’ important for your child’s brain development?
What is ‘midline’ and why is ‘crossing the midline’ important for your child’s brain development?​
What is ‘midline’ and why is ‘crossing the midline’ important for your child’s brain development?​ The term “crossing the midline” is often said during Occupational Therapy sessions. It is described as...
Occupational Therapy and Toilet training
Toilet training can be a confronting experience for both the parents and child. It is a time-consuming process, which requires both the parent and child to be “ready”. There have been conflicting statements...
How “The Boy Who Could Run But Not Walk,” by Karen Pape changed our practice.
How "The Boy Who Could Run But Not Walk," by Karen Pape changed our practice.
How “The Boy Who Could Run But Not Walk,” by Karen Pape changed our practice. Karen Pape, MD, is a pioneer, rightly demanding that colleagues integrate the new science of brain plasticity as it applies...
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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

– Helen Keller

Intensive Therasuit
Paediatric Neurological Rehabilitation
Therasuit australia
Center of movement
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